Rabu, 28 Februari 2018


Well I did it.  I finally took advantage of those crazy Black Friday Deals at Amazon and bought myself an Instant Pot!  And for my very first recipe?  I took my most popular recipe this month and converted it!  It was SO easy, and fast too.  For those of you who have Instant Pots, here is my Instant Pot Veggie Stew.  

For those of you who don’t know – an “Instant Pot” is an electric pressure cooker that makes cooking many of our vegan recipes a cinch.  One pot, set the program, and walk away.  It will beep when it’s done!

You can seriously cook homemade beans, DRIED BEANS, in just 30 minutes from start to finish, and with NO SOAK time either.  You can bake whole potatoes, make instant soups or stews, chili, rice – you name it.


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