Minggu, 06 Oktober 2019

Chocolate Swiss Cake Recipe

This Chocolate Swiss Roll Cake recipe will remind you of your childhood.

There are a few things I remember that I use to do when I was younger. I use to eat violets, my pet worm named Wilbur, waving at trees, and buying junk food from the corner convenience store. When I was younger, if you had a dollar you were rich! In fact, you could get a whole meal for a dollar back in the day. That meal would consist of a pack of Ramen Noodles, a little plastic thing of juice, a .25 bag of Doritos, and a Little Debbie cake all for a buck! One of my most favorite unhealthy snacks were the Oatmeal Cream Pies and those Little Swiss Cake Rolls.
This Chocolate Swiss Roll Cake Recipe is a show stopper! This chocolate cake recipe is moist, decadent, and filled with sweet cream cheese filling.


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