Selasa, 24 April 2018


Devilishly rich, creamy, smooth and velvety… just one bite of this Ferrero Rocher Nutella Cheesecake will send you straight to seventh heaven!
I wasn’t too sure whether I should call this new devilish creation of mine a Nutella Cheesecake or a Ferrero Rocher Cheesecake…

After all, Ferrero Rochers are nothing but a grand, palatial celebretion of Ferrero’s Nutella, and this cake gives absolute pride of place to both treats. So I decided that it was going to proudly take both its originators’ names, and so it officially became Mr. Ferrero Rocher Nutella Cheesecake. (I’m not too sure about the mister thing, but it definitely deserves the appellation!)

Honeslty, though, it doesn’t really matter what it’s called. Whether you’ve been dreaming of one OR the other, this cheesecake is GUARANTEED to satisfy your every wants and needs. It’s the ultimate cake for the true Nutella and/or Ferrero Rocher lover.

Like all cheesecakes, this one needs to be kept in refrigerated but I strongly suggest that you take it out of the fridge about an hour prior to serving it. It’ll be SO MUCH silkier and creamier. And you’ll be able to appreciate its flavor to its full potential.


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